
Have a Good Working Relationship with Your Boss


Just keeping your head down, staying out of the way and getting your job done is not a relationship. It’s true that you want to complete your job duties, but it is equally important to be seen, especially if you are interested in taking on additional job responsibilities or advancing in the organization.

Having a good relationship with your Boss is also key to being happy at work. So let’s look at some ways that you can improve your relationship with your boss and increase your work happiness.

1. Perform Well

One of the most basic but important things that you can do is to show up for work on time. This action alone can count for a large part of having a good working relationship with not only your boss, but also with your co-workers. Punctuality and dependability show respect and trust. Your boss and your co-workers need to know whether they can count on you.

2. Try to Understand Your Boss Communication Style

Some bosses passively sit back and listen while others probe you with one question after another; some want lots of information while others only want the essential details; some bosses relate in a casual relaxed style while others are all business. Part of your job is to figure out how your boss operates and relates to him or her accordingly.

2. Make your boss look good

Your job is to make your boss look good. Avoid falling into the trap of not wanting to perform a particular task because it does not fit your job description. If you are unhappy with the tasks you are performing, set up a meeting and discuss your concerns with your boss. If changes in your job duties cannot be made, you may need to accept that or look for another place of employment.

3. Know your boss’s communication methods

Do you know your boss's favorite communication method? Is it via email, mobile phone or an organized meeting? Find out what works best for him or her and mostly do that. Limit impromptu visits to his or her office. Unannounced visits can take the focus away from what your boss is currently working on. It wastes time as your boss has to then regroup and shift his focus back to his prior engagement after you have left.

4. Avoid making excuses

Not only does your boss care about your excuses, but also he or she doesn’t want to hear them. It is your job to get your tasks done and to meet the deadlines set by him or her. Your boss does not have the time to continue to prod you to do your job—a job that you are being paid for. She/he already have enough to deal with, except additional work being created for them.


5. Do more than you usually do

Just doing what is expected from you does not set you apart from other employees. Company/organization’s owner value employees who not only do their jobs, but also look for and carry out new and better ways of accomplishing tasks. Be proactive, come up with solutions and schedule time to present them to your boss. This will reflect wonderfully on you. Also, volunteering yourself for projects can be a great way to show your initiative and interest in going above and beyond.

6. Ask for feedback

You don’t have too many chances to meet your boss face to face. Submit reports in regular basis which will let him know exactly what you are doing.

It is through feedback that you will get to know how well of a job your boss thinks you are doing. If your boss thinks you are doing well, there is more of a chance of you keeping your job and getting more job responsibility, raises and promotions.

All relationships take work, including the one that you have with your boss. Communicate often, be respectful, ask questions when you are not clear about what is expected from you and you will be well on your way to working happily.