
Professional Email Etiquette

In today’s business world, Email is the most common and widely used form of business communication. It’s really important to make sure that the Email is written on the right way. It doesn’t matter you are writing an email to an employer a thanking letter, a cover letter or any non-personal reasons. They just need to be professional and well-organized to present a good resemblance of you and your company. Some simple moves will help you to write perfectly professional Emails.

Use a Modest Email Address

An Email address should be associated with your real name, preferably first name and last name. It will make it easier to mark your email noticeable and reach you with ease in their inboxes. Communal, silly or funny email address fails to present you as a professional person.


Choose a Meaningful Subject Line

Use a subject line to the purpose. A good subject line is worthy of attention and concisely summarize the purpose of the email. As it comes to the point of replying, do not use the same subject in replies if the subject has changed. It is better to start a new email if the email cue is undesirably long.


Start With a Greeting or Salutation

Address your recipient with warm greeting. Using the word ‘Dear’, title and last name is the best prominent way if you are writing for a formal purpose (e.g. Dear Mr. Smith). If you don’t know the name of the person, simply use ‘Dear Sir/Madam’.


A Perfect Email Body

Introduce your necessity in the first past of the body. You can start by stating that ‘I am writing is response to…’ or ‘I am writing to enquire about’ etc. according to your objective. An email body should be kept as concise as possible. Lengthy email contains the risks of being ignored. You should limit the message in one subject including only essential information. Maintain line break between each paragraph.


Font Style

Do not use any fancy font style while writing an email. Coloring fonts or emoticons outface the recipient’s attention form the major topic. Rational use of bold or italic letters is preferable. 


Use Warm Closing Remarks

Like the way you started your email with salutation, sign-off with a friendly closing. End your writing with thanking the recipient. Add an appropriate closing word with your name. Consider professional closing such as ‘Best Wishes’, ‘Regards’, and ‘Best Regards’.


Pay Attention to Grammar, Spelling, Punctuation

Before you hit the ‘send’ button, edit your email carefully to ensure an error-free and professional one. Make sure the any important details are not omitted. 

Emails are reflection of your professionalism and your attention to details. Try to imagine yourself as your recipient; you can be able understand the tone of your message better.

Most importantly, don’t forget to check your inbox regularly.